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Open days Weber from Iperverde

open days weber barbecue

Weber Open Days 2022 are coming from Iperverde!
Come and visit us and discover the world of Weber barbecues.
Open your doors to a new way of cooking at the barbecue, test your knowledge of the Weber world and win instant prizes.

  1. Scan the QR Code that you will find with the Weber promoter at the entrance of our garden.
  2. Take part in a bbquiz, if you are lucky you will immediately win an instant prize: Weber accessories and gadgets.
  3. Always compete for monthly super draws to win Weber devices.
  4. If you make a purchase of Weber products, you double your chances of winning.

Just subscribe to the Weber newsletter.

We are waiting for you on the dates below:

Saturday 30th April
Sunday 1st May
Saturday 14 May
Sunday 15th May
Saturday 28 May
Sunday 29 May
Saturday June 11th
Sunday June 12th
Saturday 2nd of July

Games and great prizes await you!

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