Plants are more than beautiful pieces of furniture, they work for our well-being.
Inside our homes there are many sources of pollution, paints, glues used in furniture, detergents, printer inks, cigarette smoke and building materials. These are sources that release toxins into the air we breathe.
There are plants that are able to improve air quality that we breathe and lower the pollution inside our home. A study by NASA scientist Bill Wolverton found that some plants have the ability to purify the air. In this investigation it was found that plants are not only able through chlorophyll photosynthesis to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, but many of them are able to neutralize volatile organic substances (VOCs) often present in our homes.
But how do plants clean the air?
Atmospheric agents are absorbed by the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. Thanks to the processes of plant metabolism, metals and other toxic elements are rendered inert and accumulated in the cell walls; organic pollutants are metabolized and also stored in the cells.
What are the plants that purify the air?
Up to now, about 70 plant species from 34 different families, capable of absorbing indoor air pollutants, have been recorded in the database of the Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of Parma.
But which are the most effective species?
Let's see together some of these plants, extraordinarily effective in purifying the air in our home.
Aloe (Aloe vera)
The best known succulent of all, it is very simple to grow and can prove to be an excellent ally against formaldehyde and benzene. This plant also grows well indoors, just place it near a well-lit window. In addition to its purifying properties of the air from its extract, excellent soothing creams for the skin are obtained.
Chrysanthemum (Chrysantheium morifolium)
In addition to the colorful chrysanthemum flowers, they are able to filter benzene, normally present in paints, adhesives, plastics and detergents. It doesn't need a lot of care, but it sure does need a lot of sunlight to germinate its flowers.
Dracaena (Dracaena marginata)
It is ideal for combating substances such as trichlorethylene and xylene, a chemical residue from exhaust gases, lacquers, paints and cigarettes. Very easy to grow and present in many offices and waiting rooms. Its dark green leaves with a reddish margin are very beautiful.
Common Ivy (Hedera helix)
Ivy is great at absorbing the formaldehyde found in many household cleaning products. Furthermore, it appears to be able to reduce the spread of polluting particles transmitted with pet feces.
Phalanx (Chlorophytum comosum)
Very resistant plant, little prone to diseases and easy to keep, it only needs a lot of light. Thanks to its dense foliage and white flowers, the plant is capable of removing large percentages of formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide in a few hours.
Ficus beniamino (Ficus benjamina)
This plant is the great protagonist of many homes and offices. It is a plant that manages to filter many pollutants such as formaldehyde, contained in carpets and home furnishings, but also trichlorethylene and benzene. The ficus is not a very easy plant, but if you choose a location in the house where there is the right sun exposure and do a regular watering, it will live for a long time.
Philodendron (Philodendron oxycardium)
Another plant capable of purifying the air of the house from formaldehyde is the Philodendron. This climbing plant is capable of eliminating large quantities of formaldehyde within 24 hours. Under the right conditions, it can get by on the tutors and reach 3 to 6 meters in height.
Pothos (Scindapsus aures)
Together with ivy and dracene it is one of the plants that has been shown to eliminate benzene better and is a faithful ally in the fight against formaldehyde. It is a very robust and simple plant to grow and is able to grow even in low light. We advise you to place a few pots in your garage, where due to the exhaust gases rich in formaldehyde the air will not be the best.
Sansevieria (Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii')
Also known as mother-in-law's tongue, this indoor plant is one of the most effective at purifying the air. It is able to filter and render harmless the formaldehyde often present in detergents and sprays used for cleaning, in toilet paper or in personal care fabrics. It is a plant that thrives even in low light conditions.
Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum Mauna Loa)
It is an ornamental plant that needs a lot of light and abundant watering, at least once a week. It is unbeatable in the fight against the most common volatile organic compounds, such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene but is also effective with toluene and xylene.
These plants are a demonstration of the power of nature, where we can find solutions for many of our problems. If you need advice on choosing your plant, come and visit us in Iperverde!
You will be amazed at the variety of these plants within our Indoor Plants department!