The awakening from the hibernation of the turtles from the ground is a very delicate moment, in this phase they are weak and dehydrated, so we must help them to resume their normal physiological functions.
Usually the awakening from the hibernation of the turtles takes place in late March-early April.
It will take tortoises about a week to start eating regularly again, these days it is important:
- give them baths with warm water;
- provide vitamins;
- leave the succulent foods they love available, such as fruit, by supplementing with calcium powder, then you will switch to a more balanced diet.
Foods to avoid are bread, dairy products, aubergines, peppers, peaches and bananas.
Another important point is attention to temperature changes if you leave the turtles outside.
If the animal remains lethargic, with unopened eyes and does not regain physiological functions within a few days of awakening, it is best to contact your veterinarian.