Our name already says it: since the beginning we have specialized in the green sector, but now we are something more than a simple florist. In our Garden Center , in fact, we offer a large and varied assortment of plants, flowers, shrubs and trees of all species and sizes , indoor and outdoor, for home decoration, garden preparation and public areas embellishment. Cultivated and healthy crops for a quality green.
The most beautiful and widespread indoor plants , coming from tropical climates, with a rich variety of species suitable for apartment living: phalaenopsis (orchids), sanseverias, aloe vere, dracaene, kalanchoe, indoor azaleas, bromeliads, kentie, ficus and many others .
These ornamental plants are ideal for decorating the home and also a perfect one green gift idea : for this we offer a packaging service , also with matching plant-pot cover and plant-pot, un potting service and all the expertise of our staff for advice and suggestions.
A large assortment of plants to decorate balconies, flower beds and terraces , with typical seasonal varieties: dipladenie, geraniums, surfinia and daisies in spring-summer, callunas, ornamental cabbages, cyclamen, heather in autumn.
We offer a professional consulting service to each customer for the choice of the best plants for the balcony and the flower bed based on the space and environment available, the preparation of customized compositions with bespoke vases and trays, the planting of plants and an innovative service of preparation and cultivation by our specialists before the final delivery of the plants.
Fruit plants, potted or packaged vegetables, aromatic plants: everything you need to create your garden , enrich it with new varieties and grow fruit and vegetables directly at your home. Lettuce, peppers, tomatoes of all varieties, radicchio, savoy cabbage, cabbage, cherry, peach, apricot, small fruit plants (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants) and many other garden and orchard plants: a fresh and vast assortment , with over 400 varieties available throughout the season and the quality and guarantee of our certified supplier, Azienda Agricola Orto Mio.
If, on the other hand, you are interested in vegetable seeds , don't miss ours department dedicated to seeds : the possibilities of choice are many.
From exemplary plants to flower beds, a nursery where to find all outdoor plants for the climates of the province of Sondrio and Lake Como: olive trees, Japanese maples, azaleas, rhododendrons, camellias, berberis, hedge plants (photinie, laurel, laurel, thujie, cupressocyparis leylandii), shrubs, road trees for public parks and many other varieties.
We put at your disposal a large showroom where, thanks to one dedicated staff ready to advise you, you will be able to see and choose the plants for your garden. And if you need to design or rethink your green spaces you can rely on ours Professional Green Design service , with architects and technicians at your service.